Tennis Courts
Grovelands Park has two tennis courts that have recently been refurbished and are free to use on a first come basis.

Bowling is a popular sport especially for retired people. Grovelands has a thriving long established Bowls Club. New members of all ages are always welcome.

For generations fishing on the lake for pike and other fish has been allowed in the park. Fish stock has improved since the recent improvement in water quality after the installation of the reed beds. However recently there have been problems as some of the more recent newcomers to fishing in the park seem to be using inferior equipment and have been careless in their use of fishing lines. Recently we have had instances of birds being caught up on lines left dangling in the trees and at least one bird had to have a cheap fish hook and line removed from under a wing. We urge all fisherman to take care to protect the wildfowl and ensure that all lines and hooks are taken home after fishing in the park.
You must obtain a licence from Enfield council to fish, click here to visit the council page.

There is a café in the park that sells tea, coffee, sandwiches and snacks as well as ice cream. It also sells bird food, which is preferred to bread for feeding the ducks. There is space for parking for the disabled and public toilets are located at the rear.
The café is open from 11-3pm daily.

Children's Playground
Near the café there is a safe fenced off playground for younger children. The LBE has replaced the fire damage to vandalised equipment. Dogs are not allowed in this play area.

Dog Walking
Dog walking is a very popular activity in the park with dogs of all shapes and sizes being exercised daily both on and off the lead. Often in bad weather it seems it is only the intrepid dog walkers who venture out. Grovelands Park has an excellent reputation for responsible dog owners, who clear up and put the dog poo bag into one of the many multi-use bins. It is an offence not to clean up and we urge all dog walkers to be vigilant. Unlike some other parks in London we have very few incidents of out of control dogs and recent research shows that dog walking is a healthy and therapeutic pursuit to be encouraged.

Bird Spotting
The park is a haven for a variety of birds in the woods as well as those attracted by the lake including swans, a heron and even parakeets. For the sake of the health of the birds it is best that they are not fed with bread but with the special seed sold in the café.

Pitch & Putt
Playing golf on the miniature course has been a popular tradition in the park for many years. Clubs and balls can be rented and a small charge is made for use of the course. Ice scream is also sold at the Golf hut.

Keeping Fit
Apart from jogging, walking or participating in one of the various Keep fit programmes that take place in the park the Friends of Grovelands raised £38,000 from an LBE Priority Fund to pay for the installation of an outside gym. This money was raised as part of the Centenary Celebrations and the gym is well used.

Adventure Playground
Some years ago to provide a feature for older children and young teens the FOGP worked with the LBE to install a natural looking Adventure playground in the woods. This was very popular and was well used. Unfortunately due to wear and tear most of the items had to be removed for safety reasons. Now after four years of the FOGP putting pressure on LBE excellent new equipment has been installed and the big climbing frame & net has been refurbished. We are most appreciative of this work being done and once again it is proving popular.
Please note that this Adventure Playground is designed for older children as there is a dedicated playground for young children near the Café.

There are two enclosed Basketball courts in the park that are free to use.